5 stars 5
From start to finish, my entire experience was easy, quick and painless. All of my questions and concerns were heard and answered, and the staff are extremely friendly. The procedure itself was done in minutes, no discomfort, and the follow up care is explained thoroughly, and very minimal for a surgery. I can already see clearer (distance) and I can't wait to see the results just keep getting better!

5 stars 5
Dr. Brenner did a great job on my PRK Lasik surgery and I couldn't be happier with my choice. Very friendly and welcoming, answers all questions thoroughly. Highly recommended!

5 stars 5
Professional, friendly, helpful, courteous. Everything one might want. 5 minute wait time. And they are really up on the latest technologies.

5 stars 5

5 stars 5
I have worn glasses since 8 years old. I have worn my contact lenses off and on but primarily wear glasses. I hate glasses! My diagnosis was high myopia with a prescription of 7.00 in my left eye and 8.25 in my right...I even dreamed blurry! Honestly, I was very skeptical about the success of PRK surgery. I underwent the surgery and remember coming out of the operating room and I COULD SEE!!! A little blurry but I could SEE!! I was so beside myself! I waited to see Dr Gupta and give her a big hug! I am still in awe, thinking that I have contacts in and I didn't take them out. It has been almost a month now, still healing but I wake up and it is an amazing feeling to see. This has been an incredible life-changing event. I am so thankful I got to experience it 🙂

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